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What are the opening hours for the office at Pomphrey Hill and what is the best way to make contact?The office hours are generally 8.30 – 12.30pm but may vary slightly around the needs of the facility. The best way to make contact is by emailing
What are the sizes / room capacities of the 2 rooms available for hire at Pomphrey Hill?The Pavilion Room is 12m x 9m and with a height clearance of 3.3m and maximum capacity of 110 people. Sports bar – 12m x 9m with height clearance of 3.3m however, usable room length is approx. 10m due to pool table which remains in situ albeit out of the way. Maximum capacity is approx. 80 people.
Are there specific room hire times for private parties / functions at the weekend?For children’s parties we try and we allow 3 hr time slots of either 11.00 – 2.00pm or 2.30 – 5.30pm so as to maximise the use of the room but if you require longer then extra time can be added at an additional cost of £20 per hour or part of an hour. This allows for a 2hr party with half an hour at either end for setting up and clearing away. Evening room hire is from 6.30pm – midnight with music having to end at midnight and everyone vacating the premises a.s.a.p. after this. The 6.30pm start allows for setting up time as well but additional time can be added prior to this if there is availability.
If I hold a function at Pomphrey Hill am I able to bring in my own food and / or alcohol?Food can be brought in or delivered by a 3rd party although an additional charge of £25 is added to the invoice for this. NO alcohol is to be brought onto the premises as we are a licensed premise and any found having been brought in will be confiscated.
If we are holding a function at Pomphrey Hill can specific food and/or drinks requirements be catered for?Yes, usually we are able to accommodate most requests but if you do have any then please speak to the centre manager at the time of booking to confirm.
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