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Events & News


Johnsons Road site is now the proud owner of a new Defibrillator thanks to the efforts of Annie Mooney and her fundraising who raised most of the money for this plus donations from the clubs who use the site and Pomphrey Hill Community Sports Association. Thanks also to Ecofix who carried out the installation. It's all registered and ready to go but lets hope that it's never needed.

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What is 500 Reasons Club?

The 500 Reasons Club is a fundraising concept developed to make improvements to local areas / groups / community spaces etc. with people donating a small amount of money on a monthly basis to help achieve this aim.

The Pomphrey Hill 500 Club plans to do exactly that and it’s a simple, no hassle way of supporting Pomphrey Hill to make it an even better place for everyone who uses it.

How does it work?

Individuals will set up a standing order (minimum amount of £2 per month) and anyone who has donated in this way can put forward ideas / suggestions as to how the money raised can be used to make improvements to benefit all those who use the site at Pomphrey Hill. In particular we are looking to use any funds raised to improve and make additions to the outside space which has seen a huge increase in use over the last year. All suggestions / ideas will be reviewed by the Centre Manager in conjunction with the Trustees and once there are enough funds available those agreed will be actioned.

What do I need to do?

1. Set up a monthly standing order using the bank details below. The minimum contribution is ONLY £2 per month and once this is done you will have the opportunity to put forward ideas and suggestions as to how any money should be spent. Don’t feel that you have to restrict yourself to £2 per month – larger sums will be greatly received!

Account Name: PHCSA 500 club

Sort code: 40-52-40

Account no.: 00100219

2. Complete a form outlining your ideas / suggestions. These can either be completed online here or a copy can be obtained from the office or hatch and then either email it to or hand it in at the office or hatch on site.

3. Then Just keep coming her to Pomphrey Hill enjoying the fabulous space and facilities that we are lucky enough to have and see some of your ideas coming to fruition.

Thank you on behalf of Pomphrey Hill Community Sports Association

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All of us here at Pomphrey Hill Community Sports Association would like to thank Tyrone Matthews for producing our new website which has a great new look.

We are now able to provide updates and inform you of all the latest news and events coming up for the future across all our platforms and we will look to build more content as we go.

We would very much appreciate any feedback you might have and if you could like and share as much of our content as possible this would help us very much.

Thank you all for your Support.

From all of us here at PHCSA.

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